Please note: Registration for this event is extremely limited for an intensive learning experience, and often fills within 1-2 days of registration opening.
Upcoming Sessions:
October 4th, 2021: Day 1 with Peter
February 7th, 2022: Day 2 with Peter
*Day 2 with Peter builds on what was learnt in Day 1 As a result, Day 1 with Peter must be accomplished prior to attending Day 2.
Registration Fees:
$175+tax / session
Lunch is not included in registration fees.
Day 1: 1402 Fletcher Road, Saskatoon, SK
Day 2: Location TBA
We know that problem solving is an effective way for students to learn to think mathematically and to acquire deep knowledge and understanding of the mathematics they are learning. Simply problematizing the mathematics curriculum, however, does not help constitute the practice that teachers want or students need. Equally, infusion of problem-based learning into the mathematics curriculum does not help with the transformations we want to see in our classrooms. What we need are a set of tools that, along with good problems, can build thinking classrooms.
In this institute, Dr. Peter Liljedahl looks at a series of such tools, emerging from research, that can help to build an environment conducive to problem-based learning. He will unpack his research which demonstrates that a problem-based learning environment and culture can quickly be established, even in classrooms where students resist change.
Target Audience:
These sessions are geared towards educators of grades 6-12, however, anyone can register.
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